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Pure Crime Official Game Guide

Welcome to PureCrime. This game guide will help you get started quickly and will also explain the finer details of game play. We, the developers and administrators, hope you find this game fun and exciting for dozens of rounds to come!

PureCrime has broken the MMORPG Mafia mould and addressed some key problems in the genre. On PureCrime you cannot buy turns or win turns. The only thing that impacts your turn levels are subscriptions. What does this do? Well no longer can someone simply out spend everyone on the last hour of the round and win top ranks. Players must employ strategy and play everyday in order to have success. As you cannot win turns for ranks, no player can stock pile millions of turns and simply dominate all future rounds of the game. Every round starts with a completely even playing field. Subscriptions and Points (for upgrades) give players advantages, but never enough advantage that they do not have to play the entire round. Subscriptions demand that you use your turns or risk losing future turns because you have reached your Max Active limits (see Turns & Reserves link below). PureCrime has been designed as a game of strategy, fairness and a game with everyday action. These elements are crucial to a players success. Welcome and we hope you enjoy the new concepts and increased levels of fairness and equality in game play.

PureCrime Online is a massively multiplayer turn-based strategy game. The game restarts every 7 days, this is called a round. The primary goal of the game is to obtain as much net worth as possible. This increases your global, city, and crew rank. You can increase your net worth through several means. By hiring operatives, you can run your businesses. By hiring mercenaries you can attack other players to loot their wealth or cause financial ruin. Players often find it beneficial to join a crew (a.k.a. "family" or "clan"). Crews provide protection, social interaction, team-based play and other benefits.

Quick Start

1. Begin a round by typing in a character name and choose a city to start in.
2. "First time ever" players will get 24 hours of protection from being attacked. If you transfer in or out or attack you forfeit this protection. All other players receive 15 minutes.
3. Once logged into the round, you will find yourself on the main menu page. Click on the number of reserve turns highlighted in red in the upper center of the screen. Add 25,000 reserves and save the rest for now.
4. Click the "Hire" button located in the menu at the top of the screen. Hire in combination, Security (merc) and Racketeers (op) by checking the radio button under each one then use 44,000 turns to hire. Security units will protect your valuables while Bookies will help you make some cash. *combo hiring gives you bonuses!!
5. Click "Black Market" to purchase guns for your Security mercs. M60s are the best guns to own so buy an M60 for as many Security mercs as you can. While you are in the Black Market, be sure to buy drugs to keep your operatives and mercenaries happy.
6. Click "Business" and spend 900 turns on the Racketeers you just hired in step 3 and use this money to buy more drugs and guns if you do not have enough and then put as much in the safe as much as you can (bank page).
7. Wait for more turns to come, the default rate for turns is 75 every 10 mins. As the turns come in, use them to hire more operatives and mercenaries. Make more money and watch your back because other players will start to take notice and want what you have!
8. Once you get a sizeable amount of mercenaries you may want to attack another player. Click "Attack" then click on a player in the list. If there are not any players, then that means you will have to travel to another city to see some action.
9. Have fun and don't take attacks personal! Remember this is a game, and everyone should be having fun. Enjoy!
10. When you wish build more forces - bring in some more of your reserve turns.

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